10 Life saving hacks that everyone should know

10 Life saving hacks that everyone should know

There comes a bad time in everyone's life. We should not get worried instead be prepared for that moment. Here are some life savings hack that are too simple but harder enough to be remembered at that time.

1. Your brain can't handle walking and using your phone at the same time — so look up. Its a basic and we all don't follow.

2. Hitting someone with a stick could prevent them from fatal electric shock. And you will also remain safe. Don't try to touch that person with your hand or any other object.

3. If cooking oil catches fire, turn off the burner and cover the pot.

4. If you get stabbed or impaled by a sharp object, leave it be til doctor comes. If you will take it out you will have a large amount of blood loss that may cause fatal.

5. Most airplane crashes happen within the three minutes after take off or eight minutes before landing. You can use those short periods of time to stay alert and locate exits rather than getting lost in a podcast or movie.

6. Most deaths in house fires are caused by smoke inhalation, not burns. Stay low to the ground to avoid breathing in too much smoke.

7. If you get lost on a hike, try to find a fence or stream.The stream always flows downhill and invariably will reach a larger tributary or a body of water.

8. To get out of a sinking car it’s necessary to first unbuckle your seat belt. Instead of opening the door,roll the window down. If you don’t have your window open, break the glass with a special tool or any heavy object. Door will not budge because of the water pressure.

9. Raise your head, and go slowly when someone stocks you. People tend to instinctively lower their head and increase their pace when they sense danger. However, you should do just the contrary: confidently raise your chin, and slow down.

10. If someone has entered your home, try your best to fight your way to the kitchen. After all, there are a lot of potential weapons in there and your attacker doesn't know where any of them are.

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